Friday, March 5, 2021
Script to Create AP Invoice with Tax lines in Oracle Apps R12 (AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE, AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE)
In this post, we have given a sample script to insert data into payables open invoice import tables and submit payables open invoice import program.
Interface Tables:
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; DECLARE ln_strd_request_id NUMBER; lv_group_id NUMBER DEFAULT TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'HHMISS')); ln_line_group_num NUMBER; lv_source VARCHAR2(200) DEFAULT 'INVOICE IMPORT'; ln_org_id NUMBER DEFAULT 111; lv_tax_rate_code VARCHAR2(1000); lv_tax_regime_code VARCHAR2(1000); lv_tax VARCHAR2(1000); lv_tax_status_code VARCHAR2(1000); lv_tax_jurisdiction_code VARCHAR2(1000); lv_tax_rate VARCHAR2(1000); PROCEDURE submit_payables_import(pin_org_id IN NUMBER, piv_source IN VARCHAR2, piv_group_id IN VARCHAR2, pon_request_id OUT NUMBER ) IS lv_request_id NUMBER; lv_result BOOLEAN; lv_phase1 VARCHAR2(100); lv_status1 VARCHAR2(100); lv_dev_phase1 VARCHAR2(100); lv_dev_status1 VARCHAR2(100); lv_message1 VARCHAR2(100); position_ NUMBER; BEGIN position_ := 500; -- Submit Payables Invoice Import program: lv_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request (application => 'SQLAP', program => 'APXIIMPT', description => NULL, start_time => NULL, sub_request => NULL, argument1 => pin_org_id, --Operating Unit argument2 => piv_source, --Source argument3 => piv_group_id, --Group argument4 => piv_group_id, --Invoice Batch Name argument5 => NULL, --Hold Name argument6 => NULL, --Hold Reason argument7 => NULL, --GL Date argument8 => 'N', --Purge argument9 => 'N', --Trace Switch argument10 => 'N', --Debug Switch argument11 => 'N', --Summarize Report argument12 => 1000, --Commit Batch Size argument13 => fnd_profile.VALUE('USER_ID'), --User ID argument14 => fnd_profile.VALUE('LOGIN_ID') --Login ID ); COMMIT; position_ := 510; IF lv_request_id = 0 THEN dbms_output.put_line(' Failed to submit Process APXIIMPT.'); ELSE lv_result := fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request(lv_request_id, 1, 0, lv_phase1, lv_status1, lv_dev_phase1, lv_dev_status1, lv_message1); END IF; position_ := 520; IF NOT lv_result THEN dbms_output.put_line('No Status for the request Id: ' ||lv_request_id); ELSE dbms_output.put_line('The Req-Id of APXIIMPT Process is ' || lv_request_id); END IF; pon_request_id := lv_request_id; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN pon_request_id := NVL(lv_request_id, 0); dbms_output.put_line('Others exception. Error' ||SQLERRM); END submit_payables_import; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('Group id:'||lv_group_id); SELECT tax_rate_code, tax_regime_code, tax, tax_status_code, tax_jurisdiction_code, percentage_rate INTO lv_tax_rate_code, lv_tax_regime_code, lv_tax, lv_tax_status_code, lv_tax_jurisdiction_code, lv_tax_rate FROM xxif_ou_country_vat_v WHERE tax_rate_code = '25%' AND organization_id = ln_org_id; INSERT INTO ap_invoices_interface ( invoice_id, invoice_num, invoice_currency_code, invoice_type_lookup_code, exchange_rate_type, exchange_date, invoice_date, invoice_received_date, vendor_id, vendor_site_id, invoice_amount, source, org_id, group_id, --batch_id, taxation_country, calc_tax_during_import_flag ) VALUES ( AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE_S.NEXTVAL ,'4200094338' ,'USD' ,'STANDARD' ,'Corporate' ,SYSDATE ,SYSDATE --<invoice date> ,SYSDATE ,8656 --<vendor_id validated against po_vendors.vendor_id>, ,3663 --<vendor_site_id validated against po_vendor_sites.vendor_site_id>, ,1450.84 --<invoice_amount> ,lv_source -- It can be retrived by following query --(select lookup_code --from ap_lookup_codes --where lookup_type='SOURCE') ,ln_org_id ,lv_group_id -- ,lv_group_id ,'SE' ,'N' ); INSERT INTO ap_invoice_lines_interface ( invoice_id, invoice_line_id, line_number, line_type_lookup_code, amount, accounting_date, line_group_number, amount_includes_tax_flag, dist_code_combination_id ) VALUES ( AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE_S.CURRVAL ,AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE_S.NEXTVAL ,1 --<some unique_number>, ,'ITEM' --<ITEM>/<FREIGHT>/<TAX> ,1160.67 -- sum of line_amount should always be equal to invoice_amount, ,SYSDATE ,AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE_S.CURRVAL ,'N' ,'144825' --'<account code>' ); ln_line_group_num := AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE_S.CURRVAL; INSERT INTO ap_invoice_lines_interface ( invoice_id, invoice_line_id, line_number, line_type_lookup_code, amount, accounting_date, line_group_number, dist_code_combination_id, --tax_rate_id, tax_rate_code, tax_regime_code, tax, tax_status_code, tax_jurisdiction_code, tax_rate ) VALUES ( AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE_S.CURRVAL ,AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE_S.NEXTVAL ,2 --<some unique_number>, ,'TAX' --<ITEM>/<FREIGHT>/<TAX> ,290.17 -- sum of line_amount should always be equal to invoice_amount, ,SYSDATE ,ln_line_group_num ,NULL --'<account code>' -- ,25 --> Tax_RATE_ID ,lv_tax_rate_code, lv_tax_regime_code, lv_tax, lv_tax_status_code, lv_tax_jurisdiction_code, lv_tax_rate ); COMMIT; fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id => 4484, resp_id => 90833, -- 'AP Admin' resp_appl_id => 200 ); mo_global.init('SQLAP'); fnd_client_info.set_org_context(ln_org_id); mo_global.set_policy_context ('S', ln_org_id); submit_payables_import(pin_org_id => ln_org_id, piv_source => lv_source, piv_group_id => lv_group_id, pon_request_id => ln_strd_request_id ); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ln_strd_request_id :'||ln_strd_request_id); END;
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