Friday, March 12, 2021

Query to fetch Requestor Initiated Purchase Order Changes in R12 (PO_CHANGE_REQUESTS)







            In this post, we have given a query to fetch Requestor Initiated Purchase Order Change requests.

Test Instance: R12.2.4


SELECT hou.short_code, pcr_r.change_request_id, pcr_r.initiator, pcr_r.action_type, pcr_r.document_type, pcr_r.document_header_id po_header_id, pcr_r.document_num po_number, pcr_r.document_revision_num po_revision_num, pcr_r.document_line_id po_line_id, pcr_r.document_line_number po_line_number, pcr_r.old_quantity, pcr_r.new_quantity, pcr_r.old_promised_date, pcr_r.new_promised_date, pcr_r.old_supplier_part_number, pcr_r.new_supplier_part_number, pcr_r.old_price, pcr_r.new_price, pcr_r.old_currency_unit_price, pcr_r.new_currency_unit_price, pcr_r.old_need_by_date, pcr_r.new_need_by_date, pcr_r.requester_id, fu.user_name requester, furesp.user_name responser, pcr_r.response_date, pcr_r.response_reason, pcr_r.creation_date, pcr_r.request_status, pcr_r.request_reason, pcr_r.request_level, pcr_r.change_active_flag FROM po_change_requests pcr_r, po_headers_all pha, hr_operating_units hou, fnd_user fu, fnd_user furesp WHERE pcr_r.document_header_id = pha.po_header_id AND pha.org_id = hou.organization_id AND pcr_r.document_type = 'PO' AND pcr_r.requester_id = fu.user_id AND pcr_r.responded_by = furesp.user_id AND pcr_r.initiator = 'REQUESTER'



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