Monday, May 3, 2010

How to use FNDLOAD to extract ldt file for specific Context of DFF?

<<-- Basics of FNDLOAD -->

Let us understand the basics before I reveal the command. FNDLOAD is nothing but a concurrent program. The concurrent executable takes the following parameters:

FNDLOAD apps/pwd
                   0 Y
                   [ param ...]

Here let us see the importance of each parameter one by one.. 
Ø      apps/pwd - The APPS schema and password in the form username/password[@connect_string]. If connect_string is omitted, it is taken in a platform-specific manner from the environment
using the name TWO_TASK. 
Ø      0 Y - Concurrent program flags. 
Ø      mode - UPLOAD or DOWNLOAD. UPLOAD causes the datafile to be uploaded to the database. DOWNLOAD causes the loader to fetch rows and write them to the datafile. 
Ø      configfile - The configuration file to use (usually with a suffix of .lct, but not enforced or supplied by the loader).
Ø      datafile - The data file to write (usually with a suffix of .ldt, but not enforced or supplied by the loader). If the data file already exists, it will be overwritten.
Ø      entity - The entity(ies) to upload or download. When uploading, you should always upload all entities, so specify a "-" to upload all entities. 
Ø      <[param] - Zero or more additional parameters are used to provide bind values in the access SQL (both UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD). Each parameter is in the form NAME=VALUE. NAME should not conflict with an attribute name for the entities being loaded.

<-- Command to extract ldt file for specific context -->

FNDLOAD $usrname/$Passwd
                   O Y
                   DESC_FLEX       APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME=”FND”    

Note: if we missed out any parameters, by default it will give for all the subentities, instead of a specific subentity


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