Monday, May 17, 2010

Business Events In Oralce apps (R12)

Here in this post, I tried to explain the creation of custom business event in a step by step manner.
Our example will create a business event and through which we will populate a Custom table.

Stage 0: Navigate to System Administrator Responsibility

Move to System Administrator Responsibility and follow the below navigation to reach the Business Events HTML page. 

Stage 1: Creation of Business Event

Click the “Create Event” Button as shown in the screen to create a new custom Event 


Populate the necessary values as given in the screenshot below and click Apply. 
Our Event Name “”

Once applied successfully, you will get the confirmation message as below in the screenshot

Now go back to Business event Screen and query for our new event. Now click on the “Subscription icon” to view the available subscriptions.


Stage 2: Creation of Subscription

It can be created by clicking the “create subscription” button below


In the create subscription screen populate the values as given in the below screenshot and proceed with “NEXT”

Populate the PLSQL function name in the appropriate field and click “APPLY” to create.

Once created successfully, you will get a confirmation message as below


Query for Subscription again and check its status.


Stage 3: Creation of necessary tables and function mentioned above

  1. Creation of Table

        ( user_name VARCHAR2(10)
         ,event_time TIMESTAMP

  1. Creation of Subscription Function

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION xx_apps_myevent_subs(
                 p_subscription_guid IN RAW
                ,p_event             IN OUT NOCOPY wf_event_t)
l_user_name VARCHAR2(100);  
 l_user_name := p_event.getvalueforparameter('XX_USER_NAME');
END xx_apps_myevent_subs;

Stage 4: Raising the Business Event

Query for the business event again and click the “TEST” icon to raise the test event.

Populate the necessary values like shown in the below screenshot and click the “Raise in PLSQL” button to raise the event

Once event got successfully submitted, you will get the confirmation as shown below

Check the custom table for Values inserted and time of event.

Thus the brief explanation about the creation of Business event came to end.

Thanks for reading my article.

3 Responses to “Business Events In Oralce apps (R12)”

Anonymous said...
April 18, 2011 at 7:41 PM

I do not see the Create Option.

Please advise.

Anonymous said...
May 4, 2012 at 3:35 AM

Thanks a lot. it is really helpfull.

Anonymous said...
May 4, 2012 at 3:36 AM

Can you please porvide the raising the Business event from the PLSQL code if you have the API's?

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