Friday, June 4, 2021

Query to fetch the User logins details in Oracle applications R12 (ICX_SESSIONS)








In this post, we have given the query to fetch login details of iSuppliers and employees.

Key Table:


Query (iSuppliers):

SELECT hou.short_code entity, fu.user_name, pv.vendor_name, pvc.email_address, icx.first_connect, icx.last_connect, round((icx.last_connect - icx.first_connect)*24*60,2) ||' mins' duration FROM hr_operating_units hou, ap_supplier_sites_all assa, po_vendor_contacts pvc, po_vendors pv, fnd_user fu, icx_sessions icx WHERE hou.organization_id = assa.org_id AND assa.vendor_id = pvc.vendor_id AND pv.vendor_id = pvc.vendor_id AND upper(pvc.email_address) = fu.user_name AND counter < limit_connects AND icx.user_id = fu.user_id AND fu.USER_ID > 1100;

Query (Employees):

SELECT fu.user_name, papf.full_name, papf.email_address, icx.first_connect, icx.last_connect, round((icx.last_connect - icx.first_connect)*24*60,2) ||' mins' duration FROM per_all_people_f papf, fnd_user fu, icx_sessions icx WHERE papf.person_id = fu.employee_id AND sysdate between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date AND counter < limit_connects AND icx.user_id = fu.user_id AND fu.USER_ID > 1100

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