Monday, August 24, 2020

Query to Fetch Proxy User activities in Oracle Apps R12 (JTF_PF_ALL_ACTIVITY_VL)







In this post, we have given a query which gives you the list of activities performed by a proxy user in Oracle apps R12. This comes handy for any debugging or audit reports.

 Key Tables:







SELECT DECODE(tech_stack, 'JTF', NVL((SELECT physical_page_description FROM jtf_dpf_physical_pages_vl WHERE physical_page_name=pagename AND ROWNUM =1 ) ,pagename ), 'OAF', DECODE(INSTR(pagename, '>') - 1, -1, pagename, SUBSTR(pagename, 0, INSTR(pagename, '>') - 1) ), 'FORM', NVL((SELECT USER_FORM_NAME FROM fnd_form_VL FF WHERE FR.APPLICATION_ID = FF.APPLICATION_ID AND FF.FORM_ID =pagename AND ROWNUM =1 ) ,pagename ), pagename ) action, fu.user_name, fr.responsibility_name, event_date, TO_CHAR(pa.TIMESTAMP,'HH24:MI:SS') event_time, pa.sessionid, pa.langid, pa.pagename FROM jtf_pf_all_activity_vl pa, fnd_user fu, fnd_responsibility_vl fr WHERE pa.proxyid =fu.user_id AND pa.proxyid! =-1 AND fr.responsibility_id=pa.respid AND fr.application_id =pa.appid /*     AND pa.userid = (SELECT user_id                        FROM fnd_user                       WHERE user_name = 'XXSHARE'                     )     */ AND BETWEEN TO_DATE('13-SEP-2016') AND TO_DATE('12-OCT-2016');

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