Sunday, May 10, 2020
Script to Create a BPA (Blanket Purchase Agreement) through Import Price Catalogs Program in Oracle Apps R12
this post, I have a given a script to create a BPA using "Import Price Catalogs Program".
Here we have given only basic header and line level data. Depends on your need, please modify the script.
Interface Tables:
Table Name |
Purpose |
Header level data |
Line data |
Price Breaks |
Base Descriptors |
Base Descriptors with Language specific values |
Instance Tested: R12.2.4
SET DEFINE OFF; SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; DECLARE ln_batch_id NUMBER DEFAULT TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'HHMISSSS')); ln_standard_req NUMBER; PROCEDURE submit_catalog_import(pin_default_buyer_id IN NUMBER, piv_approval_status IN VARCHAR2, pin_batch_id IN NUMBER, pin_org_id IN NUMBER, pin_intf_file_id IN NUMBER, pon_request_id OUT NUMBER ) IS lv_request_id NUMBER; lv_result BOOLEAN; lv_phase1 VARCHAR2(100); lv_status1 VARCHAR2(100); lv_dev_phase1 VARCHAR2(100); lv_dev_status1 VARCHAR2(100); lv_message1 VARCHAR2(100); lv_custom_status VARCHAR2(200); lv_custom_error_message VARCHAR2(2000); position_ NUMBER; BEGIN position_ := 500; fnd_request.set_org_id(NVL(pin_org_id,FND_GLOBAL.ORG_ID)); dbms_output.put_line ('Org ID being processed in SUBMIT_CATALOG_IMPORT:' || NVL(pin_org_id,FND_GLOBAL.ORG_ID) ); dbms_output.put_line('Batch id: '||pin_batch_id); -- Submit Import Price Catalogs: lv_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request (application => 'PO', program => 'POXPDOI', description => NULL, start_time => NULL, sub_request => NULL, argument1 => pin_default_buyer_id, --Default Buyer argument2 => 'Blanket', --Document Type argument3 => NULL, --Document SubType argument4 => 'N', --Create or Update Items argument5 => 'N', --Create Sourcing Rules argument6 => piv_approval_status, --Approval Status argument7 => NULL, --Release Generation Method argument8 => pin_batch_id, --Batch Id argument9 => pin_org_id,--Operating Unit argument10 => 'Y', --Global Agreement argument11 => 'Y', --Enable Sourcing Level argument12 => NULL,--Sourcing Level argument13 => NULL,--Inv Org Enable argument14 => NULL,--Inventory Organization argument15 => 'Y', --p_group_lines argument16 => 'N', --p_clm_flag argument17 => 5000,--p_batch_size argument18 => 'N' --p_gather_stats ); COMMIT; position_ := 510; IF lv_request_id = 0 THEN dbms_output.put_line(' Failed to submit Process POXPDOI.' || fnd_message.get); lv_custom_status := 'ERROR'; lv_custom_error_message := 'Failed to submit Process POXPDOI. ' || fnd_message.get; ELSE lv_result := fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request (lv_request_id ,1 ,0 ,lv_phase1 ,lv_status1 ,lv_dev_phase1 ,lv_dev_status1 ,lv_message1 ); END IF; position_ := 520; IF NOT lv_result THEN dbms_output.put_line('No Status returned for the request Id: ' || lv_request_id ); ELSIF lv_dev_status1 = 'NORMAL' THEN lv_custom_status :='PROCESSED'; lv_custom_error_message := NULL; dbms_output.put_line('The Req-Id of POXPDOI Process is: ' || lv_request_id ); dbms_output.put_line('Submit Catalog Program having for org id ' || pin_org_id || ' completed successfully with status ' || lv_dev_status1 ); ELSE lv_custom_status :='ERROR'; lv_custom_error_message := lv_custom_error_message || 'Submit Catalog Program FAILED for org id ' || pin_org_id || '. Error: '||lv_message1; dbms_output.put_line('The Req-Id of POXPDOI Process is: ' || lv_request_id ); dbms_output.put_line('Submit Catalog Program having for org id ' || pin_org_id || ' completed successfully with status ' || lv_dev_status1 ); END IF; pon_request_id := lv_request_id; UPDATE po_headers_all SET cat_admin_auth_enabled_flag = 'Y' WHERE type_lookup_code = 'BLANKET' AND request_id = lv_request_id; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN pon_request_id := NVL(lv_request_id ,0); dbms_output.put_line('Others exception. Error: ' || SQLERRM); END submit_catalog_import; BEGIN -- Set context mo_global.init('PO'); mo_global.set_policy_context('S',84); fnd_global.apps_initialize(1178,50739,201); -- Create Header Data Insert into PO.PO_HEADERS_INTERFACE (interface_header_id, batch_id, interface_source_code, effective_date, vendor_id, vendor_site_id, org_id, agent_id, process_code, action, po_header_id, creation_date, acceptance_required_flag, expiration_date) VALUES ( po_headers_interface_s.NEXTVAL, --- interface_header_id, ln_batch_id, --- batch_id, NULL, TO_DATE('14-APR-2020','DD-MON-RRRR'), 22, -- vendor id 30, -- vendor site id 84, -- org_id 108, -- agent id 'PENDING', -- process_code, 'ORIGINAL', -- action NULL, SYSDATE, 'N', SYSDATE + 365 ); -- Create Line 1 Insert into PO.PO_LINES_INTERFACE (INTERFACE_LINE_ID, INTERFACE_HEADER_ID, ACTION, LINE_NUM, LINE_TYPE, ITEM, item_description, category_id, UOM_CODE, UNIT_PRICE, SHIP_TO_ORGANIZATION_ID, SHIP_TO_LOCATION_ID, CREATION_DATE, LINE_LOC_POPULATED_FLAG) Values (po_lines_interface_s.nextval, --- interface_line_id, po_headers_interface_s.currval, --- interface_header_id, 'ADD', --- action, 1, --- line_num, 'Goods', --- line_type, NULL, --- item, 'test item 1', --- item_description 3129, --- catagory_id 'EA', --- uom_code, 10, --- unit_price, NULL, --- ship_to_organization_id, NULL, --- ship_to_location_id, SYSDATE, --- creation_date, 'N'); COMMIT; submit_catalog_import(pin_default_buyer_id => '108', piv_approval_status => 'APPROVED', pin_batch_id => ln_batch_id, pin_org_id => 84, pin_intf_file_id => NULL, pon_request_id => ln_standard_req ); END;
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1 Responses to “Script to Create a BPA (Blanket Purchase Agreement) through Import Price Catalogs Program in Oracle Apps R12”
May 13, 2020 at 3:54 AM
Its a good material. Thank you!!
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