Wednesday, May 20, 2015

ETEXT Templates Example–How to define/Use CONCATENATION

In this post, let us see an example with CONCATENATION COMMAND

XML Input:


ETEXT Template





From Oracle Documentation

Define Concatenation Command

Use the define concatenation command to concatenate child-level extract elements for use in parent-level fields. For example, use this command to concatenate invoice number and due date for all the invoices belonging to a payment for use in a payment-level field.

The define concatenation command has three subcommands: base level, element, and delimiter.

Base Level Subcommand

The base level subcommand specifies the child level for the operation. For each parent-level instance, the concatenation operation loops through the child-level instances to generate the concatenated string.

Item Subcommand

The item subcommand specifies the operation used to generate each item. An item is a child-level expression that will be concatenated together to generate the concatenation string.

Delimiter Subcommand

The delimiter subcommand specifies the delimiter to separate the concatenated items in the string.

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