Wednesday, May 20, 2015
ETEXT Templates Example (2) – How to Define/Use SEQUENCES
In this Example, let us see, how to define and use Sequences in ETEXT Template.
Input XML
Expected Output
Etext Template
From Oracle Documentation
Define Sequence Command
The define sequence command define a sequence that can be used in conjunction with the SEQUENCE_NUMBER function to index either the generated EFT records or the extract instances (the database records). The EFT records are the physical records defined in the template. The database records are the records from the extract. To avoid confusion, the term "record" will always refer to the EFT record. The database record will be referred to as an extract element instance or level.The define sequence command has four subcommands: reset at level, increment basis, start at, and maximum:
Reset at Level
The reset at level subcommand defines where the sequence resets its starting number. It is a mandatory subcommand. For example, to number the payments in a batch, define the reset at level as Batch. To continue numbering across batches, define the reset level as RequestHeader.In some cases the sequence is reset outside the template. For example, a periodic sequence may be defined to reset by date. In these cases, the PERIODIC_SEQUENCE keyword is used for the reset at level. The system saves the last sequence number used for a payment file to the database. Outside events control resetting the sequence in the database. For the next payment file run, the sequence number is extracted from the database for the start at number (see start at subcommand).
Increment Basis
The increment basis subcommand specifies if the sequence should be incremented based on record or extract instances. The allowed parameters for this subcommand are RECORD and LEVEL.Enter RECORD to increment the sequence for every record.
Enter LEVEL to increment the sequence for every new instance of a level.
Note that for levels with multiple records, if you use the level-based increment all the records in the level will have the same sequence number. The record-based increment will assign each record in the level a new sequence number.
For level-based increments, the sequence number can be used in the fields of one level only. For example, suppose an extract has a hierarchy of batch > payment > invoice and you define the increment basis by level sequence, with reset at the batch level. You can use the sequence in either the payment or invoice level fields, but not both. You cannot have sequential numbering across hierarchical levels.
However, this rule does not apply to increment basis by record sequences. Records can be sequenced across levels.
For both increment basis by level and by record sequences, the level of the sequence is implicit based on where the sequence is defined.
For detail understanding,
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1 Responses to “ETEXT Templates Example (2) – How to Define/Use SEQUENCES”
June 15, 2023 at 11:23 AM
Hi nice reading yyour blog
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