Monday, September 9, 2013

CONSUB Utility Overview

The concurrent request can be submitted via shell script. This can be done by a standard utility named CONSUB. It can be used to schedule a request too.

In this post, I tried providing few details about it.
The syntax for CONCSUB is given below:

CONCSUB   APPS username APPS password
                      responsibility application short name
                      responsibility name
                      program application short name
                      program name
                      [REPEAT_INTERVAL= ]
                      [REPEAT_INTERVAL_UNIT=< resubmission unit>]
                      [REPEAT_INTERVAL_TYPE=< resubmission type>]
                      [IMPLICIT=< type of concurrent request>
                      [ ... ]

These are the compulsory Parameters:
Username and Password of the ORACLE ID for Applications, separated by a slash (“/”). This would be apps/appspass
Responsibility Application Short Name
Enter the short name of the application for your responsibility. This name, along with your responsibility name, will be used to select a responsibility for your request to run in. eg : SYSADMIN
Responsibility Name
This name, along with your responsibility application short name, will be used to select a responsibility for your concurrent request to run in.
eg : ”System Administrator”
User name
Enter the name of your Application Object Library user. This name will be used to update the Who information for any data your concurrent manager changes.
A flag that separates the program–specific parameters from the operating system parameters.
Program application short name
The application short name of your concurrent program.
eg : FND
Program name
The uppercase name of your program. It must be the short name that you enter in the Concurrent Programs window when defining a concurrent program.

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