Sunday, May 26, 2013

Query to find map, connection type and vendor details of a Supplier Trading Partner

Below query is shared by our Guest Author, This query is used to fetch the important details like map, connection type and vendor details of the Trading partner of type SUPPLIER.

SELECT asup.vendor_name,
  FROM ecx_tp_headers eth,
       ecx_tp_details etd,
       ecx_mappings em,
       ap_suppliers asup,
       ap_supplier_sites_all assa
 WHERE eth.tp_header_id    = etd.tp_header_id
   AND asup.vendor_id      = eth.party_id
   AND assa.vendor_site_id = eth.party_site_id
   AND assa.vendor_id      = asup.vendor_id
   AND em.map_id(+)        = etd.map_id
   AND eth.party_type      = 'S';


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