Monday, March 7, 2011

Item import based on Item template in R12 (insert script)

In this post, I tried to explain the steps to IMPORT an ITEM with its attributes based on ITEM TEMPLATE in R12 Oracle Apps.
STEP1: Get the template id using the below query 
SELECT template_id

STEP2: Check the choosed template's related item attribute values using the below query
SELECT template_id
WHERE  template_id = 107; 

STEP3:  Run the below insert script to create a record in the standard item interface table to create a item based on item template 
    'Testing Item Import With Template',

STEP4: Run the wrapper script given in the below link to submit the "ITEM IMPORT" concurrent program from backend  Wrapper Script to Submit Item Import 
STEP5: Run the below query to verify the creation of the item 
FROM   mtl_system_items_b
WHERE  segment1 = 'TESTITEM01';

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