Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Actions that can be performed on Payable Invoices in R12

There is an option in the invoice entering window called actions which will perform certain actions on the entered invoices like putting holds on invoices, releasing the holds validating etc

Click on to Actions button for performing invoice actions. An invoice action window will appear where in the actions are performed.

Validate :
 Making use of this validate option we can check matching, tax, period status, exchange rate, and distribution information

Validate Related Invoices:
 We can validate the related invoices.

Cancel Invoices:
1.       Unpaid, unapproved Invoice can be cancelled
2.       An approved invoice which are not having holds or effective payments can be cancelled
3.       The Invoice amount and the scheduled payments are set to zero. All invoice distributions and any matches to purchase order shipments and distributions are reversed. Then, An invoice can be cancelled.

Apply/Unapply Prepayments:
This option is for applying or unapplying the prepayments. A  prepayment window opens which will be having all the prepayment that have been applied to the invoices along with the distribution details.

Pay in full :
            For paying the invoice in full directly

Create Accounting :
            To create accounting and also to view the accounting lines

Release Holds :
            By giving the hold name, release name and release reason

Print Notice:
           This option is to print an invoice notice to be given to the supplier for his confirmation. By giving the printer, sender name and sender title

1 Responses to “Actions that can be performed on Payable Invoices in R12”

Naveen Ravella said...
September 28, 2012 at 5:45 AM

While create Accounting option as final it is giving an error stating that need to run concurrent program reports as detaild.
As per this i submitted request but the status is howing as complted,Waring.

Still Create accounting is not done.

Any one Please help me in this.

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