Thursday, June 10, 2010

GENERAL LEDGER SETUP: Account Aliases Creation

For input or Retrieve data about a transaction in Oracle General Ledger requires the complete Account Combination. But generally the account combination is large and very difficult to remember. Hence we define a short name (Alias) for the Account combination which we use widely.

Let us see how we can create Account alias for the combination
“Vision Distribution.0110.000.100300.0000.00000.00000.0110” as “FuelAcc”

1. Navigation:

2. Shortand Alias Form

3. Click the Find icon in the toolbar to choose the Accounting Flexi field 


This will automatically populate the Application, structure, flexifield title, descriptin fields as below.

 4. Next populate the Shorthand related specifications like below,

 5. Next populate the tab “Aliases, Description” as below,

 6. Next we need to populate the tab “Aliases,Effective” as below


7. Next Step is to save and Transaction. While saving we will be shown  a note window to recompile the flexifield using segments form. This is an important step to see our changes

 All the above information is stored in database table named FND_SHORTHAND_FLEX_ALIASES 

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