Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How pricing informations are stored in Oracle Apps R12? (Query involving tables under pricing module)

< Pricing Tables In Oracle Apps R12>

Below query will give you the important columns under pricing base tables and their links with other
. We have tested this query in R12.1.1 instance.
FROM  apps.qp_list_headers_b qphh 
     ,apps.qp_list_headers_tl qph 
     ,apps.qp_list_lines qpl 
     ,apps.qp_pricing_attributes qpp
     ,apps.mtl_system_items_b mtl
     ,apps.mtl_cross_references_b mtlc
WHERE qph.list_header_id    = qphh.list_header_id
AND   qph.list_header_id    = qpl.list_header_id
AND   qph.list_header_id    = qpp.list_header_id
AND   qpl.list_line_id      = qpp.list_line_id
AND   mtl.inventory_item_id = qpp.product_attr_value
AND   mtl.organization_id   = (SELECT UNIQUE master_organization_id
                               FROM   mtl_parameters)
AND   mtl.inventory_item_id = mtlc.inventory_item_id
AND   SYSDATE BETWEEN qpl.start_date_active 
                AND   NVL(qpl.end_date_active,SYSDATE)
AND   SYSDATE BETWEEN qphh.start_date_active
                AND   NVL(qphh.end_date_active,SYSDATE)
AND LIKE '%&priceListName%';

1 Responses to “How pricing informations are stored in Oracle Apps R12? (Query involving tables under pricing module)”

Anonymous said...
February 25, 2013 at 11:11 PM

Thanks for the Query

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