Monday, March 22, 2010

Autoinvoice Error: Remit to Address does not exist

Reason for the Error:
Generally the Autoinvoice derives the Remit to address based on the Bill to Customer Id. So this error occurs whenever Autoinvoice didn’t find the Remit to address mapping for the address related to bill to customer id.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps::
Navigation: Setup-->Print-->Remit-to Addresses
Set up the default value for the remit to address.

1. Go to Setup->Print->Remit-To Addresses.
2. Query up the address that will be the default address
3. Go to the "Receipts From" section of the form.
4. Put the cursor in the Country field and click on the LOV.
5. Select the value "Default value"
6. Put cursor in the State field and click on LOV.
7. Select the value "Default value"
8. Save

If the invoices related with particular Bill to Customer id is failing then find the appropriate address of the bill to customer id and create a Remit to address mapping for it in the above said form.

2 Responses to “Autoinvoice Error: Remit to Address does not exist”

NavigationDisk | Car Radio Navigation Solution said...
November 16, 2013 at 9:35 PM

Thanks for your fantastic Sharing bro

M.Shukarno Bin Shareef
Oracle EBS Consultant

NavigationDisk | Car Radio Navigation Solution said...
November 16, 2013 at 9:36 PM This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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