Sunday, February 28, 2010

How Cleint info being implemented in R12?

Lets take an example.
In pre Release 12, you would have had following methodology for PO_HEADERS_ALL
a. A table is created in PO Schema, named PO_HEADERS_ALL
b. A synonym named PO_HEADERS_ALL is created in APPS schema, referring to PO.PO_HEADERS_ALL
c. Create a view PO_HEADERS in APPS schema, as "select * from po_headers_all where org_id=client_info"

But now in R12, following will happen
a. A table is created in PO Schema, named PO_HEADERS_ALL
b. A synonym named PO_HEADERS_ALL is created in APPS schema, referring to PO.PO_HEADERS_ALL
c. Another synonym named PO_HEADERS is created in APPS, referring to PO_HEADERS_ALL
d. A Row Level security is applied to PO_HEADERS, using package function MO_GLOBAL.ORG_SECURITY.
This can be double-checked by running SQL select * from all_policies where object_name=’PO_HEADERS’
e. The effect of this policy is that,whenever you access PO_HEADERS, Oracle RLS will dynamically append WHERE CLAUSE similar to below
SELECT * FROM PO_HEADERS WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM mo_glob_org_access_tmp oa WHERE oa.organization_id = org_id)

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