Sunday, December 25, 2022
API to Retire an Asset in Oracle Apps R12 (FA_RETIREMENT_PUB.DO_RETIREMENT)
In this post, we have given the sample script to retire an API in R12.
Test Instance: R12.1.3
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; DECLARE le_api_error EXCEPTION; -- Asset to be retired lv_asset_number VARCHAR2(100) DEFAULT '43296'; lv_book_type_code VARCHAR2(15) DEFAULT 'CORP'; ln_asset_id NUMBER; ln_user_id NUMBER := 12345; ln_cost_retired NUMBER; ln_proceeds_of_sale NUMBER := 0; ln_cost_of_removal NUMBER := 0; ln_request_id NUMBER; lr_trans_rec fa_api_types.trans_rec_type; lr_dist_trans_rec fa_api_types.trans_rec_type; lr_asset_hdr_rec fa_api_types.asset_hdr_rec_type; lr_asset_retire_rec fa_api_types.asset_retire_rec_type; lt_asset_dist_tbl fa_api_types.asset_dist_tbl_type; lt_subcomp_tbl fa_api_types.subcomp_tbl_type; lt_inv_tbl fa_api_types.inv_tbl_type; ln_api_version NUMBER := 1; lv_init_msg_list VARCHAR2(1) := fnd_api.g_false; lv_commit VARCHAR2(1) := fnd_api.g_true; lv_validation_level NUMBER := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full; lv_calling_func VARCHAR2(80) := 'Shareoracleapps Wrapper'; lv_return_sts VARCHAR2(1) := fnd_api.g_false; ln_msg_cnt NUMBER := 0; lv_message VARCHAR2(512); ln_count NUMBER; i NUMBER := 0; lv_dummy VARCHAR2(512); ln_message_count NUMBER; CURSOR cur_fa_addition IS SELECT a.asset_number, a.asset_id, b.cost FROM fa_additions_b a, fa_books_v b WHERE a.asset_id = b.asset_id and a.asset_number = lv_asset_number AND a.creation_date > sysdate - 300 AND b.book_type_code = lv_book_type_code AND ROWNUM < 5 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM fa_retirements fr WHERE fr.asset_id = a.asset_id ); BEGIN fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id => 12345, resp_id => 50561, resp_appl_id => 140 ); FOR i IN cur_fa_addition LOOP BEGIN fa_srvr_msg.init_server_message; fa_debug_pkg.set_debug_flag(debug_flag => 'YES'); dbms_output.put_line('Asset_id :' || i.asset_id); ln_asset_id := i.asset_id; ln_cost_retired := i.cost; -- Get Standard Who Info ln_request_id := fnd_global.conc_request_id; fnd_profile.get('LOGIN_ID', lr_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login); fnd_profile.get('USER_ID', lr_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by); IF ( lr_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by IS NULL ) THEN lr_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by := -1; END IF; IF ( lr_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login IS NULL ) THEN lr_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login := -1; END IF; lr_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date := SYSDATE; lr_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date := SYSDATE; lr_trans_rec.who_info.created_by := lr_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by; lr_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id := ln_asset_id; lr_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code := lv_book_type_code; lr_trans_rec.transaction_type_code := NULL; -- This Will Be Determined Inside Api lr_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered := NULL; lr_asset_hdr_rec.period_of_addition := NULL; lr_asset_retire_rec.retirement_prorate_convention := NULL; lr_asset_retire_rec.date_retired := NULL; -- Will Be Current Period By Default lr_asset_retire_rec.units_retired := NULL; lr_asset_retire_rec.cost_retired := ln_cost_retired; lr_asset_retire_rec.proceeds_of_sale := ln_proceeds_of_sale; lr_asset_retire_rec.cost_of_removal := ln_cost_of_removal; lr_asset_retire_rec.retirement_type_code := 'SALE'; lr_asset_retire_rec.trade_in_asset_id := NULL; lr_asset_retire_rec.calculate_gain_loss := fnd_api.g_false; fnd_profile.put('USER_ID', ln_user_id); lt_asset_dist_tbl.DELETE; dbms_output.put_line('Call API'); fa_retirement_pub.do_retirement ( p_api_version => ln_api_version, p_init_msg_list => lv_init_msg_list, p_commit => lv_commit, p_validation_level => lv_validation_level, p_calling_fn => lv_calling_func, x_return_status => lv_return_sts, x_msg_count => ln_msg_cnt, x_msg_data => lv_message, px_trans_rec => lr_trans_rec, px_dist_trans_rec => lr_dist_trans_rec, px_asset_hdr_rec => lr_asset_hdr_rec, px_asset_retire_rec => lr_asset_retire_rec, p_asset_dist_tbl => lt_asset_dist_tbl, p_subcomp_tbl => lt_subcomp_tbl, p_inv_tbl => lt_inv_tbl ); IF lv_return_sts = fnd_api.g_false THEN RAISE le_api_error; ELSE dbms_output.put_line('lv_return_sts :' || lv_return_sts); END IF; dbms_output.put_line('Asset Retirement Done: id: ' || lr_asset_retire_rec.retirement_id ); IF ( fa_debug_pkg.print_debug ) THEN fa_debug_pkg.write_debug_log; END IF; fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => lv_calling_func, name => 'FA_SHARED_END_SUCCESS', token1 => 'PROGRAM', value1 => 'RETIREMENT_API' ); ln_message_count := fnd_msg_pub.count_msg; IF ( ln_message_count > 0 ) THEN lv_dummy := fnd_msg_pub.get(fnd_msg_pub.g_first, fnd_api.g_false); dbms_output.put_line('dump: ' || lv_dummy); FOR i IN 1..( ln_message_count - 1 ) LOOP lv_dummy := fnd_msg_pub.get(fnd_msg_pub.g_next, fnd_api.g_false); dbms_output.put_line('dump: ' || lv_dummy); END LOOP; ELSE dbms_output.put_line('dump: NO MESSAGE !'); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line('Error :' || sqlerrm); END; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN le_api_error THEN ROLLBACK WORK; fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => lv_calling_func, name => 'FA_SHARED_PROGRAM_FAILED', token1 => 'PROGRAM', value1 => lv_calling_func); ln_message_count := fnd_msg_pub.count_msg; IF ( ln_message_count > 0 ) THEN lv_dummy := fnd_msg_pub.get(fnd_msg_pub.g_first, fnd_api.g_false); dbms_output.put_line('dump: ' || lv_dummy); FOR i IN 1..( ln_message_count - 1 ) LOOP lv_dummy := fnd_msg_pub.get(fnd_msg_pub.g_next, fnd_api.g_false); dbms_output.put_line('dump: ' || lv_dummy); END LOOP; ELSE dbms_output.put_line('dump: NO MESSAGE !'); END IF; COMMIT; END; /
Script to submit “Calculate Gain or Loss”:
DECLARE lv_book_type_code VARCHAR2 (15) := 'CORP'; ln_request_id NUMBER; BEGIN fnd_global.apps_initialize (user_id => 12345, resp_id => 50561, resp_appl_id => 140 ); ln_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request ('OFA', 'FARET', null, null, false, lv_book_type_code ); COMMIT; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (ln_request_id); End;
Sample Execution :
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1 Responses to “API to Retire an Asset in Oracle Apps R12 (FA_RETIREMENT_PUB.DO_RETIREMENT)”
February 15, 2024 at 4:17 PM
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