Friday, November 20, 2020
Copy Files from one directory to another directory in PLSQL ( UTL_FILE.FCOPY, DBMS_LOB.FILEEXISTS example )
In this post, we have given a custom function which uses UTL_FILE.FCOPY to copy files from one directory to another directory. Further, custom function has below additional validations to check
- Source DBA directory is valid or invalid
- Destination DBA directory is valid or invalid
- source directory exists in server
- destination directory
exists in server
- source file exists or not.
- Override of destination file is allowed based on user parameters
This function can be further expanded with other validations and utilized for file copy operations. Hope this is useful :)
Custom Copy Function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION FILECOPY (p_source_directory IN VARCHAR2, p_source_filename IN VARCHAR2, p_dest_directory IN VARCHAR2, p_dest_filename IN VARCHAR2, p_override_allowed IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N' ) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS lb_file_exists BOOLEAN; ln_dummy NUMBER; ln_file_size NUMBER; ln_block_size NUMBER; BEGIN --Check whether source directory exists BEGIN ln_dummy:= 0; SELECT 1 INTO ln_dummy FROM all_directories WHERE directory_name = p_source_directory; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN 'Source DBA Directory Does not exists'; END; -- Check whether the directory present in server IF DBMS_LOB.FILEEXISTS(BFILENAME(p_source_directory,'.')) <> 1 THEN RETURN 'Source Directory Does not exists'; END IF; --Check whether destination directory exists BEGIN ln_dummy:= 0; SELECT 1 INTO ln_dummy FROM all_directories WHERE directory_name = p_dest_directory; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN 'Destination DBA Directory Does not exists'; END; -- Check whether the directory present in server IF DBMS_LOB.FILEEXISTS(BFILENAME(p_dest_directory,'.')) <> 1 THEN RETURN 'Destination Directory Does not exists'; END IF; --Check whether source file exists IF DBMS_LOB.FILEEXISTS(BFILENAME(p_source_directory,p_source_filename)) <> 1 THEN RETURN 'Source File Does not exists'; END IF; --Check whether source file exists IF DBMS_LOB.FILEEXISTS(BFILENAME(p_dest_directory,p_dest_filename)) = 1 AND p_override_allowed = 'N' THEN RETURN 'Destination File Override is not allowed. But, destination file exists'; END IF; BEGIN UTL_FILE.FCOPY (p_source_directory, p_source_filename, p_dest_directory, p_dest_filename ); --Check whether destination file created IF DBMS_LOB.FILEEXISTS(BFILENAME(p_dest_directory,p_dest_filename)) = 1 THEN RETURN 'File Copied Successfully'; ELSE RETURN 'File Copy Failed. Please contact technical team'; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN UTL_FILE.WRITE_ERROR THEN RETURN 'Destination Write/File Access denied'; WHEN UTL_FILE.READ_ERROR THEN RETURN 'Source Directory/File Access denied'; WHEN UTL_FILE.INVALID_OPERATION THEN -- This is true because we already checked other possible errors like -- source dir, destination dir , source file and dest file exists -- since above errs was not found, its assumed that access issue RETURN 'Directory/File Access denied'; WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN SQLERRM; END; END FILECOPY;Sample Call to copy Function:SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; DECLARE lv_file_copy_sts VARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN lv_file_copy_sts := FILECOPY(p_source_directory => 'TEST1', p_source_filename => 'testfile.txt', p_dest_directory => 'TEST2', p_dest_filename => 'test.txt', p_override_allowed => 'Y' ); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('File copy Status: '||lv_file_copy_sts); END;
Sample runs to copy Function:
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