Saturday, August 15, 2020

Query to fetch PO Item Category Details in Oracle Apps (MTL_CATEGORY_SETS_B, MTL_CATEGORIES)







                In this post, we have a given a query which helps you to fetch the item category details defined at Inventory. This helps us in understanding the table level links.  

Key Tables:






SELECT fifv.id_flex_structure_name, fifv.id_flex_code, mcst.category_set_id, mcst.category_set_name, mcst.description category_set_description, mcs.validate_flag, mic.category_id, mic.disable_date, mic.web_status, mic.supplier_enabled_flag, mic.segment1 category_name, mic.enabled_flag, mic.description category_description FROM mtl_category_sets_tl mcst ,mtl_category_sets_b mcs ,mtl_categories mic ,fnd_id_flex_structures_vl fifv WHERE 1 = 1 --AND mcst.category_set_name = 'XX PO CATEGORY' AND mcst.category_set_id = mcs.category_set_id AND mcst.language = USERENV('LANG') AND mcs.structure_id = mic.structure_id AND fifv.id_flex_num = mic.structure_id AND NVL(mic.disable_date,SYSDATE + 1) > SYSDATE;

Hope it helps!!

1 Responses to “Query to fetch PO Item Category Details in Oracle Apps (MTL_CATEGORY_SETS_B, MTL_CATEGORIES)”

Anonymous said...
June 7, 2023 at 2:59 AM


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