Sunday, May 17, 2020
API to delegate a Workflow Notification from PLSQL (WF_NOTIFICATION.FORWARD)
Below script will help you to delegate any open workflow notification from PLSQL
Tested Instance: R12
CREATE FUNCTION xxwf_transfer( pin_noitification_id IN NUMBER , piv_new_user IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS lv_role_name VARCHAR2(100); le_stop_transfer EXCEPTION; lv_return_text VARCHAR2(500); position_ NUMBER; BEGIN -- Check for WF_ROLES position_ := 10; BEGIN SELECT role_name INTO lv_role_name FROM wf_user_roles WHERE role_orig_system = 'PER' AND role_orig_system_id = (SELECT employee_id FROM fnd_user WHERE user_name = piv_new_user ); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN lv_return_text := 'No Valid Role-'||piv_new_user; RAISE le_stop_transfer; END; position_ := 20; -- Calling API wf_notification.forward ( pin_noitification_id, lv_role_name, 'Backend Delegation' ); RETURN 'Sucessfully Completed'; EXCEPTION WHEN le_stop_transfer THEN RETURN lv_return_text; WHEN OTHERS THEN lv_return_text := 'Exception at postion '||position_||'. Error: '||SQLERRM; RETURN lv_return_text; END xxwf_transfer;
Test Script:
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; DECLARE lv_message VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN lv_message := xxwf_transfer(123456,'TESTUSER'); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(lv_message); END;
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