Friday, February 10, 2012

Performance tuning using BULK COLLECT with example

In this post, lets see the effect of BULK COLLECT over performance.Simple example are used.
The below code is written using with and with out Bulk feature to retrieve data from a table and populate the collection objects.

Without Bulk Collect

   TYPE namelist IS TABLE OF emp_info.ename%TYPE
   TYPE sallist IS TABLE OF emp_info.sal%TYPE
   CURSOR c1
      SELECT ename, sal
        FROM emp_info;

   names   namelist;
   sals    sallist;
   i       NUMBER   := 0;
   FOR rec_c1 IN c1
      names (i) := rec_c1.ename;
      sals (i) := rec_c1.sal;
      i := i + 1;

The above is a very simple program that does not use bulk binds. There were
  146939 fetch calls against the cursor, requiring 146943 logical
reads and 1.57 CPU seconds. 

With Bulk Collect

   TYPE namelist IS TABLE OF emp.ename%TYPE;
   TYPE sallist IS TABLE OF emp.sal%TYPE;
   CURSOR c1
      SELECT ename, sal
        FROM emp_info;

   names   namelist;
   sals    sallist;
   OPEN c1;
   FETCH c1
   BULK COLLECT INTO names, sals;

The above is a very simple program which uses bulk binds.
There were only 1 against the cursor instead of 146939, bringing logical reads down from 146943 to 475 and CPU time from 1.57 to 0.51 seconds.
This shows the effect of BULK BINDS on Performance Improvement.

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