Friday, February 3, 2012

BPEL: Calling a stored procedure using Database Adapter

1. Select Call a Stored Procedure or Function option from the Wizard and click ‘Next’.


2. This is the form where we have to specify the schema type and name of the Procedure. Select ‘Apps’ for Schema from the drop down list.


3. Click on the Browse button for selecting the procedure you want to call.

4. ‘Specify Stored Procedure’ Window is opened where you have to select the procedure to be called. All the procedures present in the database are displayed according to package structure. Those procedures which are not included in any package are displayed at the end under the root node directly. You can give search criteria based on a key string also. Once selected click OK.


5. Once the procedure is selected appropriate schema is created which you can find by navigating to Application tab. There under your project, in integration Content -> schema, you can find the schema. Double click on that in order to open it.

6. Click on ‘Next’ and then Finish. This completes the creation of database adapter. You will find the below screen where in the Partner Link type and partner role are populated. Click OK to complete the creation of database adapter.


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