Thursday, December 23, 2010

Flexfield Qualifiers and Segment Qualifiers - "Natural Account"


Let us go step by step for understanding the significance of Natural Acccount Qualifier,

1.       Types of Natural Accounts and their Details
2.       Flexifield Qualifiers Setup
3.       How and where the type of account was assigned to Natural segment values in oracle apps.  

Types of Natural Accounts and their Details

Flexifield Qualifiers Setup
Flexifield Qualifiers are registered as part of Flexifield Registration.
Navigation: Flexifield Registration Form

Query For the title “Accounting Flexifield”

Then Click the Qualifiers button in the above form to check the registration of Flexifield Qualifiers and Segment Qualifiers.

To check the types of Segment Qualifiers allowed… Query for the Quick code type mentioned in the above screenshot in quick codes form.

In Oracle General Ledger, when we attach the “Natural Account” Flexfield Qualifier to a segment. System attaches the above set of nature on the Value form. When we add the Natural Account Value, we have to define the nature of the account as well.

How and where the type of account (Segment Qualifiers) was assigned to Natural segment values in oracle apps.  

Query for the title “Accounting Flexifield” in the SEGMENTS Form

Click on the segments button in the above form to view segment details

Choose the appropriate segment and click the “Flexifield Qualifiers” button to view the below screen

Close the form and open the “values” to check the values attached to segment

Query for the Accounting Flexifield

Choose the segment which has flexifield Qualifier as “Natural Account” and then click the “Values, Hierarchy, Qualifiers” tab to check the segment qualifiers assignment.

" When we define the natures of the account, the accounting rules of Debit and Credit works accordingly. Like in Payables, the line item is Debit side, so if you’ll give an expense or asset account, it will increase and vice versa. Thus the Flexifield qualifiers has more significant in COA setup".

1 Responses to “Flexfield Qualifiers and Segment Qualifiers - "Natural Account"”

Unknown said...
May 23, 2014 at 11:41 PM


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